
    Yesterday was Odin’s day. ‘Twas also an ominous day. A solar eclipse appeared─one said to be the most stupendous within the century. Doubtlessly a spectacular sight, the astronomical phenomenon totally “eclipsed” the headlines! As for me, I took a good look at it with my own eyes.

    “A solar eclipse happens when the moon is right between the Earth and the sun, leaving the Earth in the umbra, which is encircled by the penumbra…” I can still recall the Earth-science class in which I took these notes. A long time ago, though. ‘Tis true that eclipses─whether solar or lunar─are spectacular sights of Mother Nature. The brilliant sun, suspended in the sky, suddenly devoured by a dark force…aye, that is the umbrage of the moon. And the scintillating ring around…perhaps we can call it “a silhouette of argent lining.”

    In archaic times, Mother Nature’s enigmatical powers are far beyond humans’ comprehension. It would be no wonder that people often connect the natural phenomena with mythology, which plays a crucial role in religions. Yet so far, even today, folks tend to take them as auguries of many kinds. So, the question is, what might this solar eclipse indicate? Some say it is an inauspicious portent, an augury of doom, whereas others choose a more optimistic perspective. Well, what can you say? Our world is truly embroiled in some economic peril, and a lot more problems. But, as the old saying goes, “There’s always hope,” we just shouldn’t let our lives be controlled by superstitions, right? What’s more intriguing, some claim that the eclipse will lead to the falling of the Phoenix Suns. Well, the Suns are indeed trying to cope with some hardships at the moment, but that’s not to say they are going thru a sunset or whatsoever. So after all, they say that, is that.

    Well, I don’t really take it as a belief or two. Rather, I regard it as the pure pulchritude of Mother Nature. Yes, believe me. ’Tis beauteous… beyond a word of description. I’ve heard that the next solar eclipse shall happen after a span of three hundred and sixty years, if you intend to observe from the same spot. THREE HUNDRED and SIXTY years!!! Wow… before the immense universe, we really are tiny, huh?


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